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UK neuroblastoma research initiative 2021 

In 2021, Solving Kids’ Cancer launched a UK based grant call for up to £60,000 to be awarded over two years for initiatives focused on benefitting children in the UK with neuroblastoma. It call for proposals for with the following criteria:

  1. Novel initiatives seeking to ease the burden or improve the experience for children going through treatment for neuroblastoma and/or their families in the UK.  
  2. Scientific studies to improve the understanding of neuroblastoma and/or development of new therapies in the UK.  

Solving Kids’ Cancer UK is a charity with international reach, however we also understand the importance of driving and facilitating more research into neuroblastoma here in the UK and supporting our UK research community. This is why we have committed to issuing UK-specific funding awards alongside our international calls. We hope that this will bring positive change to the treatment and care of children with neuroblastoma here in the UK as well as contribute to the bigger global picture that we strive to improve. 

Unfortunately, we received an insufficient response from the research community and were unable to fund a project with this grant call. Solving Kids’ Cancer remains committed to supporting research in the UK with the aim of supporting children diagnosed with Neuroblastoma in the UK, therefore we are reviewing our approach to UK based awards to ensure we are able to support the very best UK based research in the future.